Big Momma, as she’s known around these parts, originally hails from the great state of Virgina. Growing up in a little rural town on her family’s small farm, Momma developed a love of good food and great cooking and found joy in entertaining neighbors, family, and friends in a good old-fashioned southern style.
Momma dreamed of one day having a place of her own where guests were encouraged to linger as long as they wanted and always left feeling more like family than customers. It took awhile—Momma had a family to raise, and students to whip into shape as a teacher in her little hometown—but she always kept her dream close and later in life, fate smiled on her. When Momma discovered the rolling hills, lakes, and kind hospitality of the Ozarks, she fell in love and re-planted her roots in these rich Ozarks hills and Big Momma’s was born.
– Molly R.
Finally, Momma could live out her passion of bringing great food and coffee to her community—her family—right here in the heart of the Springfield on Historic C-Street. You won’t see Momma around these parts too much anymore, but keep an eye out—you never know when she may be rocking on the back porch, smiling at all the new friends gathered ‘round, enjoying her food and drinks.
We hope you enjoyed your visit, had a great cup of coffee and maybe shared a good conversation here at Big Momma’s and we know Momma can’t wait to see you again!